From a puppet to the puppet master

I'm the puppet master

May 18, 2019 
Canadian PM Justin Trudeau busted using fake Mac with Apple sticker
I am a puppet. Justin Trudeau told me.  
Oct 12, 2019
Trudeau took 'unprecedented' step by wearing bulletproof vest: RCMP sources 
Uniformed tactical officers in army green outfits and wearing knapsacks surrounded Trudeau
They liked killed me. Justin Trudeau told me. Trudeau told me. 

Sep 18, 2022
Appearing drunk and sporting a casual look of jeans and a t-shirt.

My wife has an affair. Trudeau told me. 

Dec. 18, 2023
I am the puppet master to forward Post national state for everyone. Trudeau told me.  

Forward for Everyone

Hap2py birthday, The puppet master, Justin Trudeau from GAOZIcoin.



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