
Showing posts from August, 2023

#PLAYwithGAO 玩为高

  GodInsideGAO PLAYwithGAO feel #PowerFROMpeople GAO  -  Gifted Asset Offering In the beginning it was no blah, blah politician for my God or Rule of God - Stigmergy Governance - 共识主动性参与机制 because God is inside. Everyone can feel God and obeys God's rules - Energy, synergy, stigmergy, biology ....... and more by TAO,  GAO -  #GiftedAssetOffering and making love no nation. For example, flowers are GAO s ( Gifted Asset Offering )  for bee. Horny is a GAO for human. Your shit is a GAO for flowers.   GAO  is inside your shit. God is inside  GAO. In GAO I'm Gifted . Everyone was Gifted! Liberty - In God We Trust One day, smart people liked to rule others and liberty off God's rules by their way. They were starting blah, blah for my God and governance to confuse people. Confused people gave their power and wealth away to smart people and let the smarty rule. The smart people find their way to make u pay everything. U have to pay your shit for a smart utility corpoRAPinc$.  Fo

Juicy GAO dynasty by HORNY power

Love without marriage Yesterday, the email replaced post office. The technology behind the email, internet evolved our information system and media. Today, the cryptocurrency is replacing bank. The technology behind the cryptocurrency, blockchain is evolving our trust system and government. TOMORROW, the GAO or Gifted Asset Offering is going to evolve our market economy into gift economy and stigmergy community. We will enjoy the earth with ant and other creatures in p2p stigmergy age. God without religion. Love without marriage. Government without politician. Code without law. Gifts without taxes. Leaders without orders. Happy without money. Powerful without forces. Communities without borders. Be a p2pGardener and follow GAO2DAO toward the stigmergy age: "the government of the people, by the people, for the people", will be back to the earth just like does. Juicy GAO dynasty by HORNY power.  Goolge: #powerFROMpeople.