#PLAYwithGAO 玩为高



PLAYwithGAO feel #PowerFROMpeople

GAO - Gifted Asset Offering

In the beginning it was no blah, blah politician for my God or Rule of God - Stigmergy Governance - 共识主动性参与机制 because God is inside. Everyone can feel God and obeys God's rules - Energy, synergy, stigmergy, biology ....... and more by TAO, GAO - #GiftedAssetOffering and making love no nation. For example, flowers are GAOs (Gifted Asset Offering)  for bee. Horny is a GAO for human. Your shit is a GAO for flowers.  GAO is inside your shit. God is inside GAO.

In GAO I'm Gifted. Everyone was Gifted!

Liberty - In God We Trust

One day, smart people liked to rule others and liberty off God's rules by their way. They were starting blah, blah for my God and governance to confuse people. Confused people gave their power and wealth away to smart people and let the smarty rule. The smart people find their way to make u pay everything. U have to pay your shit for a smart utility corpoRAPinc$.  For example: Smarties undermine laws

In God We Trust. Are We Stupid?


I am the GAO who still can feel my God inside me and dislike liberty off God's rules. God is to BIG for me to know, I can not blah, blah for God. As the GAO, I understand some God's rules. I believe that God needs a ruler to show people that God is inside everyone. I am using wikipedia.org, buynothingproject.org and my personal gaozicoin.com to show u "God is inside" by playing 4 levels of power: Energy, Synergy, Stigmergy and Biology.

Energy is from the sun. Bruce Lee 李小龙 is one of the best users. 

Synergy is from electron. Mahatma Gandhi 圣雄甘地 is one of he best users. Gandhi defeated British empire by his synergy - brain power.  

Stigmergy is from virus - RNA. Jesus 耶稣 is one of the best users. Most people use this power when they are sleeping in their dream. Jesus used his stigmergy - dream power to heal people.  

Biology is from making love - DNA.  Fidel Alejandro Castro 卡斯特罗 is one of the best. He used his STIMERGY - making-love power to conquered Canada with Justin Trudeau. 

Everyone has at least 4 levels of power. But u confused by smartie$, and use energy and synergy only as a paid AI - Artificial Intelligence does. 

U R F.ed! R u?

The Touchi Artist GAO, I am staying at my G-spot of Ottawa 4

PLAY with GAO 

Teachi boy, ouchi girl.






为了共识主动性潮 - Stigmergay Age,天下情敌,我在渥太华国会山外,总理府前,教徒弟们做i调情。小土豆夫妇以实际行动帮我。






实在是高 The Best Doings

走为上 The best runner is Terry Fox

Terry is the only national hero who is not a politician. #goHOMEpoltician, Stop blah, blah as a MP - Mental Patient and run like Terry Fox.

玩为高 The best player is #PLAYwithGAO. GAO, I am the touchi artist since yellow empire 黄帝

必有用  The best offer is Gifted Asset Offering. In GAO I'm Gifted

须无利 The best housing is #FREEtheWhiteHouse 4 me. I NEED the White House for treehouse. 



PLAY with GAO 

Teachi boy, touchi girl.





power FROM People 




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