
Showing posts from January, 2023

The world NEEDS Justin Trudeau

Canadian CORPoRAPinc is broken.  Canada is stronger because of our leader Justin Trudeau - Forward Post Nation state for everyone . Dear Justin Trudeau, It's time for you to stop IMAGINE and start to forward POST NATION STATE FOR EVERYONE!   I say play bitcoin like wikipedia. org/wiki/ Jesse_Livermore. They do not liked you trade as Jesse  Livermore, but like you invest bitcoin like Elon Musk.  1929, US politician$ blamed Livermore shorting railway stocks for the stock market crash. Livermore started trading stock when he was 16 years old. He could feel the vibe of stock price movement. In year 1920s, transportation industry, car is replace railway. Livermore do not understood the tech part but he was feeling the vibe of stock price movement.  When the US politicians push the railway stock prices up, he would time the right point to short. US politicians made him the richest guy on the earth that time. 100 years later today, the  information industry,  blockchain is repl

God believe ME

  …  The higher you build your barriers The taller I become The further you take my rights away The faster I will run You can deny me You can turn your face away Power to the people something inside so strong something inside so strong something inside so strong Ooh-ooh Brother and sisters They said we are not good enough but I  look 'em in the eyes and say   POLITICIAN$ GO HOME BECAUSE God believe me If you ask God:  "God, which religion do you believe?" God will answer you: "me" "God believe me"