
Showing posts from June, 2023

Google: #powerFROMpeope

Google: #powerFROMpeope They plutocracy's system do not like you know my  #powerFROMpeople message. They use #cmm66th to block it. "#powerFROMpeople but the #polutocracy elections make you give your power to puppet politician. This is why 80%+ #toronto people didn't vote for last city election. Vote for 2023 #TorontoMayor GAO, who will change your systems & let you #keepYOURpower by #blockclerk & #tocitycoin" Google: #powerFROMpeope

With 高 or against GAO

#GOhomePolitician #torontoMayor Candidate #43 GAO, Feng, I'll turn #Toronto into a playground with #tocitycoin #Blockchain & #blockclerk . #torontonian , you'll have a personal AI works for you. Then you'll play with GAO or against GAO - Gifted Asset Offering. 👅👅👅👅 Your smartphone is an AI which is smarter than you. I've been using @Google as my AI. I'll show you how to control AI as controlling Google working for me (Google: #powerFROMpeople). I'll let you feel you ARE smarter any IA by playing with GAO - Gifted Asset Offering. 👅👅👅👅 . 高峰市长将利用《同世币/tocityCOIN》的区块链,把多伦多变成游戏城,让每个人拥有自己的AI智能人,你的智能人为你服务,你陪《天生我才 GAO - Gifted Asset Offering》玩,或者与TA做对头,没有其他选择。 就如前美国总统布什说的那样: “with 高 or against GAO” #powerFROMpeople
  #powerFROMpeople As #torontoMayor I'm Chinese 拉兹  and showing you how power from people with  Blockclerk Governance . 

高峰王+_+太吉主+_+性高潮 Vote Feng GAO, Keep Mayor Jennifer McKelvie

Vote Feng GAO, Keep Mayor Jennifer McKelvie 34年前的今时,天下3大事, 西方商业洗脑媒体让他们的民众只记住两件,你记住几件? 1。无俺们广场事件,邓小平赵紫阳俩政客争权夺利,百姓遭殃。 2。东德柏林墙倒塌,发生在1989年11月9日,随后, 苏联解体。 3。反核蠕蟲(英語:WANK) 是一个電腦黑客用數字命令語言寫成的電腦蠕虫, 1989年它開始攻擊美國航天基地NASA和軍方電腦系統。 随后,人类开始用GAO(Gifted Asset Offering) 取代GDO,进行10万年一次的体系更新。 1999年:《黑客帝国》告知人类: 你们是你们精英们矩阵中的GDP电池。 2001年:《维基百科》 GAO洗脑百科开始取代各国的GDP洗脑百科全书。 2006年:《维基解密》 GAO情报网站开始取代各国的GDP的中央情报体系。 2009年: 《比特币》GAO区块链互联网开始取代各国的GDP中央银行和中央服务器电脑网络。 2013年: 买空卖空 礼物经济 买空卖空 Buy Nothing Gifted Asset Offering GAO, GAO, GAO 高,高,实在是高。 2019年:《区块帮主》 政府体系开始取代各国的GDP金权政治的政客们。 2023年,宇宙4大:王法地,地法天,天法道,道法自然。 高峰王+_+太吉主+_+性高潮 Vote Feng GAO, Keep Mayor Jennifer McKelvie Vote Feng GAO, Keep Mayor Jennifer McKelvie #goHOMEpolitician, you don't know how to blah, blah, blah.  Go HOME politician!