With 高 or against GAO

#GOhomePolitician #torontoMayor Candidate #43 GAO, Feng, I'll turn #Toronto into a playground with #tocitycoin #Blockchain & #blockclerk. #torontonian, you'll have a personal AI works for you. Then you'll play with GAO or against GAO - Gifted Asset Offering. 👅👅👅👅

Your smartphone is an AI which is smarter than you. I've been using @Google as my AI. I'll show you how to control AI as controlling Google working for me (Google: #powerFROMpeople). I'll let you feel you ARE smarter any IA by playing with GAO - Gifted Asset Offering. 👅👅👅👅.

高峰市长将利用《同世币/tocityCOIN》的区块链,把多伦多变成游戏城,让每个人拥有自己的AI智能人,你的智能人为你服务,你陪《天生我才 GAO - Gifted Asset Offering》玩,或者与TA做对头,没有其他选择。

就如前美国总统布什说的那样:“with 高 or against GAO”



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