
Showing posts from June, 2022

Trudeau's 'postnational' Canada. Google: hap2py

In 2015, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau defining Canadian values declared his country to be the world’s first postnational state. 2025, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau will tell globle leaders that kiss your nations and say goodbye .

Stigmergy Age 共识主动性时代

========== p2pgarden ========== About thirty years ago, p2p or peer-to-peer communities have started the game of the ant-dinosaur or p2p with the too-big-to-fails by WANKing the system of NASA headquarters computer, will finish by p2pGARDENing the white house. The dinosaur has damaged the p2pgarden for ten thousand years by using religion to control your mind, marriage to control your family, politician to control your government, tax to control your gift......, and forces to separate your friend and family by their borders. They have multiple citizenships and G20 Border Passes (I saw them in Hong Kong). They use banks, stocks, bonds to control businesses. They pay lawyer and accountant to make the Paradise Paper avoid tax by their law, then donate to their politician to tax you. They give us votes and use our political parties let us against each other in a nation governed by rule of law. They give us weapons and use our leaders order us to kill each other between nations ......

数风流人物 Google: hap2py

...... ............ ...... 昔日告子性, 今朝高子币... 昔日太公望钓鱼, 今朝太吉主戏龙... 昔日吕不韦献姬, 今朝高鲁云玩美... 昔日阿炳拉二胡, 今朝大高淫谷歌... ...... ...... 爱你的白宫 -华盛顿... 爱你的红宫 - 中南海... ...... ...... 爱/i need the White House..... 爱/i need Zhongnanhai..... ...... ......

I am hap2py with Justin Trudeau

Forward 3D systems for everyone: Democracy - blockclerk vs election. Diversity - Stigmergy vs Marriage. Dynasty - GAO vs GDP. GAO : Gifted Asset Offering GDP : Gross Domestic Product

老子道,太吉注 Google: hap2py 百度一下: p2pgarden

老子道: 和大怨, 必有餘怨, 焉可以爲善. 是以聖右介, 而不以責於人. 故有德司介, 無德司徹. 夫天道無親, 恆與善人..... 太吉注: 和解重大冲突, 必有小过节, 但可以结善缘... 圣人崇尚用管理体系解决冲突, 而不是去责怪犯错的人... 故,有德用更新体系解决冲突, 无德立法施令解决冲突... 夫天道無親 恆與善人... 右,尊崇;崇尚。—— 《淮南子·泛論訓》:“兼愛,尚賢,右鬼,非命,墨子之所立也。” 介,畫也。——《説文》。 司,主也。——《小爾雅》按,周官四十有一司,司者,理其事也。 徹,周代的田税制度。