The First Toronto Mayor William Lyon Mackenzie was a street fighter The last Toronto Mayor is a street Fighter, Fun Guy, Touchi Artist , Gaozicoin , Blockclerk guy, Stigergy Guy (street names). Or Feng GAO on ( nomination NAME ON 2023 TORONTO MAYOR candidate) , who is forward the Stigmergy Age to everyone on the earth by TOcityCOIN. 1. Vote for issues. Do not vote for politician$$. 2. Taxpayer has power. You tell where your tax goes. 3. Lucky leaders. Draw lottery for Mayor and city councilors. 4. Rewardings replace Taxations by As Toronto Mayor, I will issue TorcityCoin with PoS blockchain Proof_of_stake for Toronto city tax and services. The Value of TOcityCOIN is the same as Canadian dollar. If you use TOcityCOIN pay your Toronto city Tax bill or use city services, you will get 10% off. I will strongly recommend and help everyone and every business accept TOcityCOIN. If your business uses TOcityCOIN y...
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ReplyDelete和大怨 必有餘怨 焉可以爲善
是以聖右介而不以責於人 故有德司介 無德司徹
夫天道無親 恆與善人
圣人崇尚用管理体系解决冲突,而不是去责怪犯错的人. 故,有德用更新体系解决冲突,无德立法施令解决冲突.
我坚信, 天道無親 恆與善人。
右,尊崇;崇尚。—— 《淮南子·泛論訓》:“兼愛,尚賢,右鬼,非命,墨子之所立也。”
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