The Last Mayor with TOcityCOIN 用同市币做最后一位市长

The First Toronto Mayor 

William Lyon Mackenzie

was a street fighter 

The last Toronto Mayor is a street Fighter, Fun Guy, Touchi Artist, Gaozicoin, Blockclerk guy, Stigergy Guy(street names). 

Or Feng GAO on nomination NAME ON 2023 TORONTO MAYOR candidate) , who is forward the Stigmergy Age to everyone on the earth by TOcityCOIN.

1. Vote for issues. Do not vote for politician$$.

2. Taxpayer has power. You tell where your tax goes. 

3. Lucky leaders. Draw lottery for Mayor and city councilors. 

4. Rewardings replace Taxations by As Toronto Mayor, I will issue TorcityCoin with PoS blockchain Proof_of_stake for Toronto city tax and services. 

The Value of TOcityCOIN is the same as Canadian dollar. If you use TOcityCOIN pay your Toronto city Tax bill or use city services, you will get 10% off. I will strongly recommend and help everyone and every business accept TOcityCOIN. If your business uses TOcityCOIN you will get an additional 10% off from your tax bill. 

5. START USE TOcityCOIN to reward homeless people if they keep their neighborhood clean and safe by their neighbors. The same as anyone, homeless can use TOcityCOIN for city services. 

6. If the TOcityCOIN works with the homeless, I will recommend people use TOcityCOIN  reward all city employees.  

8. As Toronto Mayor, I, Feng Gao liked your reward me as soon as possible with your service. I do not like receive any salary from Toronto Taxpayers or money. I let you know what I need, you can help me with any coin, currance, and services.  I liked your services the most when I fight on the street as a blockclerk guy. For example, if I am hungry, I will make sign "I need food". You can serve food to me. "I need grocery". You can give me grocery or grocery gift card.  I do not care who you are, where you from. You are a human. 

9. UCEO = User CEO.  City Toronto is owned by corporations. I will fire all city CEOs and let users have CEO's power stigmergically. 

10. As your hap2py mayor, Feng GAO refuses to participate any Toronto mayoral debate. If you have any question, you can find me IN PERSON at yonge and dundus square.

11. Consensus-Based Decision-Making

Occupy Wall Street's most defining characteristics--its decentralized nature and its intensive process of participatory, consensus-based decision-making--are rooted in other precincts of academe and activism: in the scholarship of anarchism and, specifically, in an ethnography of central Madagascar.

It was on this island nation off the coast of Africa that David Graeber, one of the movement's early organizers, who has been called one of its main intellectual sources, spent 20 months between 1989 and 1991. He studied the people of Betafo, a community of descendants of nobles and of slaves, for his 2007 book, Lost People.

Betafo was "a place where the state picked up stakes and left," says Mr. Graeber, an ethnographer, anarchist, and reader in anthropology at the University of London's Goldsmiths campus.

In Betafo he observed what he called "consensus decision-making," where residents made choices in a direct, decentralized way, not through the apparatus of the state. "Basically, people were managing their own affairs autonomously," he says.

The process is what scholars of anarchism call "direct action." For example, instead of petitioning the government to build a well, members of a community might simply build it themselves. It is an example of anarchism's philosophy, or what Mr. Graeber describes as "democracy without a government."

Vote for me, power for you. Otherwise p2p (power to people). 



  1. 《白痴国》 #toronto #mayor #torontomayer #mayerbyelection #2023torontomayorbyeclection

    加拿大是个白痴国。他们民族英雄TERY FOXY 和中国人心中的白求恩一样,都不是能说会道的政客,是动手动脚的白痴。1995年,我结交的第一位加拿大朋友对我说:加拿大政客都是罪犯,他们代表的是商业集团。


    古巴前总统卡斯特罗用 #eRection 性高潮攻陷了小土豆的加拿大。
    太吉主,FENG GAO (ENGLISH) 高峰我正在用性高潮取代金权政体。卡斯特罗总统在加拿大传种接代,我不但在加拿大传种接代,而且要在全球复性高潮。
    black d ck matters
    Every p ssy powerful
    Chinese d ck too small
    Castro d ck works

    Me too , chinese touchi artist have small dick.

    with <toCITYcoin>

  2. 我高峰不但能说会道,而且动手动脚。

    I can use juicy power, touchi ALL.

  3. I am the touchi Artist who is a MP (mental Patient) so I am the master of healing MP. MP liked to blah, blah, blah ..... Some of them if you do not understand what the blah, blah, blah for they will kill you. Some of the killers became MP by elections such as Putin, Biden and Xi who killing people legally . Some of the killers became MP by eRections such as me. In my dream some people push me off the mountain peak and try to kill me. But they missed me killed themselves people.

    In my day life, I am helping and healing MP$. MP$ stressed by money. I am use toCITYcoin to help MP$$$$.

  4. MP = mental patient
    我Feng Gao, 高峰也是个天生的MP =

    我们MP们 的共同特征是, 我们认为比钱奴你们聪明,所以我们整天胡言乱语,不是让你们选我们代表钱奴你们,就是整天在宗教场所用上帝鬼神来吓唬钱奴你们。目的是让你们钱奴合法捐钱和纳税。

  5. MP (mental patient) killers, do not kill taxpayers anymore. KILL TAX with toCITYcoin.

  6. The government court system does not work anymore for MP (mental patient).
    22-year-old Jordan O'Brien-Tobin accused of stabbing 16-year-old Gabriel Magalhaes to death in Toronto Keele subway station. O'Brien-Tobin was largely for a lengthy criminal history in Newfoundland non-violent offences and breaching conditions. After jails, he disconnected with people care about him, he became a violent offences.

    All mental patients need connected with people care about them, not jails, not monetary welfare. I have MP friends who refused monetary welfare, because money stressed them. As Toronto mayor, I will use tocitycoin reward system in Yonge and Dundas square block. Let the block business and resident people connect with their MPs by encourage them to keep the block clean and safe with tocitycoin.

  7. Hi, human!
    No news is good news.
    No mayor is the BEST mayor.
    Vote for Feng GAO as your last mayor. I am the politician who is the best blah-er. Vote for me, do not trust me. Trust yourself. It's will be no more Just Castro, Biden, Trump, Putin and Xi Jinping.

    God make love no war. Show you love.
    God make your horny. Let you feel love.
    Do not worry, be horny.

  8. I am going to turn Toronto Yonge and Dundas Square area into walking only WALKING ONLY streets for culture events all year round. It will be Dundas ST from Bay St. to Victoria St. and Yonge ST. from College St to Queen St.


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