Shen Chi 神妻 God Wife


Fear, Fear, Fear!
Fear God. God is a $ stupid religion.
Fear Government. Government is A $ SMART POLITICIAN.
FEAR GAO. GAO IS GiftedAssetOffering.
GAO, 爱 i is the highest terrorist. 
爱 i F.ed all - religion, politician, money and marriage. 

Fear God is HIStory.
Feel love is herSTORY.
God is a spirit.
God is not real.
The G-spot is real.
The G-spot makes your hap2py.
You can feel love with the G-spot.
You can fear with GOD.

In God We Trust.
In G-spot We loved.
Marriage is lovely cage.
Hony Mary was not married. 
You are holy without marriage.

In God We Trust. 
In GAO I'm Gifted.
Money is a slavery system.
Money only can slave human. 
Because human trust GOD not themselves.
The other beings trust themselves not GOD. 

Do not worry. 
Be horny.
It's a Hory GAO dynasty. 
We like fuck no fight.
We like pussy no war.
Because everyone is horny no angry.  

谷歌一下:太吉主 touchi artist or Gaozicoin or #powerFROMpeople. 

敬畏上帝。 上帝是一个愚蠢的宗教。
恐惧政府。 政府是一位聪明的政治家。
没有最恐怖,只有高恐怖。 高 - 天生我才 - in GAO I'm Gifted

GAO,我是最高级别的恐怖分子。 我, 高恐怖 - 高黄帝已经用性高潮恐怖了全人类。

不信? 谷歌一下: 太吉主。


  1. Psalm 47:2
    Verse Concepts
    For the Lord Most High is to be feared,
    A great King over all the earth.

    Bible is a fear make.
    In bible I'm feared
    GAO is a Gifted Asset Offering
    In GAO I'm Gifted
    In God We Trust
    In Government We fight
    Politician$ R war makers

    John 4:24 - God is spirit
    God is a $ - $pirit, $tupid, bu$hit, $$$$
    Without $ there is no Church$ - evil places.

    Hible 1:1
    GAO is L - love, lier, loser - Homeless - en.everybodywiki. com/Gaozicoin.


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