Open Letter 2 GDP terrorist'$ from the High Terrorist - 高黄帝

 Dear GDP Terrorist$

You told i爱i that Julian Assange is a high tech Terrorist. 

You applauded Nazi. 

You told i爱i was from china. 习近平 - 中国梦

爱 am GAOzicoin the High Terrorist - 高黄帝 who from the mother - girls not from any political nation. i爱i am the terrorist for all - political parties, religions, money and marriage.  

1989, i爱i WANKed NASA

   W O R M S    A G A I N S T    N U C L E A R    K I L L E R S
 \__  ____________  _____    ________    ____  ____   __  _____/
  \ \ \    /\    / /    / /\ \       | \ \  | |    | | / /    /
   \ \ \  /  \  / /    / /__\ \      | |\ \ | |    | |/ /    /
    \ \ \/ /\ \/ /    / ______ \     | | \ \| |    | |\ \   /
     \_\  /__\  /____/ /______\ \____| |__\ | |____| |_\ \_/
       \                                                 /
        \    Your System Has Been Officially WANKed     /

  You talk of times of peace for all, and then prepare for war.

1999 i爱i told you that you are afraid of us. 

2001 i爱i Wikipediaed your encyclopedia$, your brain wash system. "Do not trust Wikipedia" Trust yourself. Change yourself. Be yourself. 
2006 i爱i Wikileak$ed your CIA.
2009 i爱i Bitcoined your central BANK$.
2019 i爱i Blockclerked your government$. 

2022 i爱i Gaozicoined your DOG. GOD is a spirit who is not real. You told i爱i "In God We Trust". i爱i am telling you "In GAO I'm Gifted". GAO - Gifted Asset Offering is real. 
Fear GOD is hisTORY. Feel i爱i is herSTORY at my G-spot. 

Without evil who needs god?

Without criminals and politician$ who needs Government?
Without marriage there was holy Mary. 
Without money everyone is Gifted. 

Terrorist GDP 123
1. Use your tax buy bombs for another nation to BLOW up their neighbor. 
2. Import refugees from blowed up nation to get blow jobs as Bill Clinton did at the White House.
3. Use the refugees make more BOMBS 4 Terrorist GDP. 

Stupids need real jobs to pay tax.
Smarties need blow jobs for Terrorist GDP.

民主蠢民 123

1. 政客用你的税金为另一个国家购买炸弹来轰炸他们的邻居。
2. 政客再从被炸毁的国家进口难民来获得口交,就像比尔·克林顿在白宫所做的那样。
3. 政客为难民制造工作机会来制造更多炸弹,为鸡的屁GDP恐怖分子服务。




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