The Best: 10 Canadian signs

10 Canadian Signs

1. Peace: never has civil war because Canadian police forces are nurture.

2.  Love: Canadian national hero is not a POLITICIAN who is Terry Fox. He is one of us - stupid Canadians who show their loves never blah, blah, blah about loves as church or politicians do. 

3. Multicultural: I use Chinglish tell politician GO HOME but the politician used your tax to give me a home. It was end my 12 years street life.

4. Strong people: We are Canadians! We are stupid. Without politician$, we, Canadian soul burned the White House twice in the year of 1812. Why Canadians are so stupid?! #iNEEDtheWhiteHouse! for treehouses!

5. Smart Justin Trudeau

6.  Blockclerk Guy is the Touchi Artist 

7. G-loser: With politician$, we lost the war against Terrorist. 



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