Hi Justin Trudeau: My RBC account Unexplained Disappearance

December 16, 2022 --------@JustinTrudeau-------- Officiel du gouvernement - Canada If you’ve got a question for me, now’s the time to ask it. Send it in by replying to this post – and then stay tuned!" 4:37 PM · Dec 15, 2022 1,363 Retweets 1,716 Quote Tweets 8,730 Likes------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Hi PM Justin Trudeau: I am GAO, Feng (Date of birth 1962/01/17). I am a Canadian citizin who is corrently on ODSP. My ODSP with RBC account Unexplained Disappearance!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ---- ?????? Justin Trudeau: show me your money. You are a taxpayer and paid everything for me. DO YOU know what is going on??????? Do you know who do you work for?????? Do you know what are you doing?????? Do you know what are you talking about????
Profile update confirmation -------------------------------- Inbox -------------------------------- RBC Right Pay / Juste Paiement RBC @ visaprepaidprocessing . com> 16 Dec 2022, 23:56 (3 days ago) -------------------------------- to me -------------------------------- icon logo -------------------------------- RBC RIGHT PAY / JUSTE PAIEMENT RBC -------------------------------- FENG GAO -------------------------------- Account ⋅⋅⋅⋅ 4018 -------------------------------- FENG, -------------------------------- Your profile information has been updated.-------------------------------- If you did not make this change, please contact customer service immediately. -------------------------------- To contact us, please use: -------------------------------- Website / 855.232.0675 -------------------------------- This email is an automated message. Please do not reply. -------------------------------- ???????confidence trick ??????? confidence trick ??????? confidence trick ??????? ----------
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00776-003 --------------------------------<
Billings Brige Plaza -------------------------------- 2269 Riverside drive -------------------------------- Ottawa On. K1H 8K2 -------------------------------- To whom it may concern -------------------------------- This is to inform that Feng Gao Date of Birth 1962/01/17 does not corrently have any bank accounts with RBC. -------------------------------- sincerely -------------------------------- RBC Billings Bridge
I have money but I can not pay my rent. I got a N4 letter for my landlord.
The N4 letter from my landlord.
Dec. 22, 2022. With my Statement of Direct Deposit from ODSP / POSPH - Statement of Assistance, I want to the RBC of 00776-003 in Billings Brige Plaza. After one of the bank clerk checked the inform in their computer, she told me that they closed my RBC bank account LONG time ago. They called the security guarders and told security guarders to ban me.
Dec. 21, 2022, One of my CIBC BANK (41 Rideau St, Ottawa, ON K1N 5W8) clerk told me the same thing as my RBC bank clerk.
I am enjoying the BANK WAR!!!!!! https:// en.wikipedia. org/wiki/Bank_War.
I a working for GDP terrorist!
Justin Trudeau: google: GDP terrorist mississauga. You are working for the GDP Terrorist.
----Google: blockclerk governance -- Google: gaozicoin ------


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